Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On learning lifelong and other wise

It is said there are 7 1/2 habits of life long learning. As an exercise I am to say which is hardest and which is easiest for me.

1) HARD: Begin with the end in mind--in other words identify and set your goal. Any goal I have every set backfired on me--argh.
2) Always have, always will:  Accept responsibility for your own learning
3) Yeah right-- a problem is a problem-- View problems as challenges-- guess I need a lot of work on this one!
4)Oh yeah!   confidence in effective learning -- no issues here--some say I am over confident-- hey I learned how to fix my plumbing! saved 86$
5) Too many tools in my box according to the movers (60 boxes of books)-- "Create a learning tool box" careful these could become crutches and/or albatross I would recommend this be changed to learn to use a new tool annually if not more frequently.
6) use technology to your advantage--technology (spell checker) has allowed me the life I have so absolutely, learning curve is so slow however that not using technology is tempting. I go old school just to see if I can frequently.
7) teach/mentor others-- when ever I can, can't help it...it is who I am and what I do.
7 1/2) PLAY, PLAY, PLAY...critical to effective learning!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

There be no cage that can hold thee unwilling

There be no cage that can hold thee unwilling

in wait
a moat
of psychological

in a wind
of stench
and he flutters

in a
impervious to
moats intent
and he runs

further faster
ahead of
leaving a
which turns to butter

response to RRilke's "the Panther"
and to life at this moment

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


it is without escape should you dare to love

sorrow will chase you like a hound after a bone

the day will come when good-bye is impossible to say

and I will never leave you lingers in the air of your last breath

whizzed in and out as pain inflicted promises to ease your pain-

it is with out escape should you dare to live

tomorrow will cease to exist and you will be alone

become the star dust from whence you shone

through the dark hours of my life you dared to love

and doggedly chase sorrow away

with the light of your deep black eyes.



In memoriam

Clyde-my Save a Pet who saved me

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

rocks and hard places


Rocks and hard places
we sit between waiting
and waiting on, serving-- hard to watch

Please others or repair
the caves we've created
protecting preservation wall -- hard call

Please be with me for this time--sturdy rock
Do what you need veils desires of
be my companion, be my lover – hard change
A bachelor yet but not a short-term affair.

the rocks we serve are hard forged
by the hell fires of their own doing--
cracking under the least of pressures

the rocks we are, without intention become cracked,
crumbling into seas of liquefied dreams of constancy
to feel other than stuck between
rocks and hard places


For a moment all to brief a sweet moment of contentment-
not torn, not scared, not hidden hearts delight

For a moment- beyond the space between the rocks and hard places
repairing, rebuilding, regaining stability, constancy, and calm

Every other moment shattered with the fears, tears and raging of the rocks we serve—as I write—two words, rage, two lines-crack, crack, two parts, bellows of fear fuel a growing fire—

I can’t find the space clear enough to work under these conditions
I can’t find the quite that won’t lure me into sleep for I am exhausted except for the moments when I melt into you—then I feel alive and content and least like a rock and most like a girl—least I forget that I am.

Monday, March 30, 2009

shoulders two

shoulder to shoulder
we can step over, through and around
all things that would slow us down
hand in hand we still have a pair left
to shape our worlds with joy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

thought poem with no articles

Two days of waiting for the guillotine ….let’s be done with it.
(thought poem with no articles)

Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock
Mouse sits upon clock waiting for 1:00 PM
Watching pendulum cut through air as guillotine severs life from breath.
Clock struck 1:00 change, tock,
tomorrow 4:30 PM, tick
and away he run hickory dick-doc

Two days and two minutes--life changes…yet again
367 days and two minutes of tic, change, tock, change,
tic-change, change-tock
Tick, tock ,Tick ,tock, Tick, tock. what
am I but temporal clock!
by God’s grace--I AM
Change, Tick, tock , change, Tick ,tock, change, Tick, tock,
waiting at guillotine
for next hickory-dick to sever my life’s routine.

CHRYST 2002-2004
The GHA story with shades of GAM
Revised 4/9/06
Revised 9/15/07
Revised 3/24/09

March Madness: Walking the park

Colors collide
Blend and vibrate in ice and snow and
The yellowing of the willow

October skies fill March air
colors of fall are mulched
by blades of grass and crocus piercing the
Frozen layer of the last years

March is mad
with color,
Blood red twigs
Lime green mosses
Burnt umber river bottom freed from its
Crystalline crust of grey blue ice
Frost, rhyme, micro glaciers linger
In the deep shadows of winter.

And it is April—

In memoria of winter